Pick Up Some Maple Syrup at the Farm!

Sure, spring has almost passed and thus so has maple sugaring season (a.k.a. the boiling down of maple sap into a lusciously thick, beautiful syrup)…

BUT, fortunate for you (and us!), we’ve got the goods. The maple syrup goods, that is. They’re here waiting for you. And by you, we mean your pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, vanilla ice cream, tongue and anything else you can drizzle it on.


We’re talking REAL gourmet maple syrup, none of that phony bologna, High Fructose Corn Syrup Shenanigans, Aunt Jemima versus Bisquick business. Real. Maple. Syrup. There truly is no substitute. We get ours straight from a family-owned and operated maple tree farm in Vermont (the nation’s leading producer of maple syrup, by the way, so they KNOW what they’re doing) that’s been around since 1920. The season only lasts a measly 4-6 weeks – good thing we’ll have the liquid gold bottled up for the year, ready at a moment’s notice for those lazy Saturday morning pancake breakfasts with the fam huddled around the kitchen island. Ahh, aren’t those the best?


Thick. Rich. Fresh. Natural. That’s our maple syrup. If you order ours, we even have it gift packaged  with a sweet little handmade pitcher from whence to pour it. How deliciously quaint.

Happy flapjack flipping, everyone!





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